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Digital Curriculum

You can take this course from anywhere in the world. Even like the girl in the header doing her homework in the trunk of a pickup truck. This picture, taken in Liberia during a car ride in the afternoon rush hour, symbolizes the flexibility and accessibility of our program.

Discover our modules

Our course is divided into six modules, each of which takes place over a period of two months. Each module is designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and skills. This will give you further qualifications in your work as an archive employee.

We are very pleased to announce that we have expanded our teaching content to Moodle platform Moodle is an innovative and open learning management system that creates an interactive and user-friendly environment for online courses. Please visit our site at academy.fwbarchiv.deto access our extensive educational resources and begin your learning journey!

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema Grundlagen des Archivwesens - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

The program starts with the educational module on the basics of archival work! This module provides you with essential knowledge about archiving, document management and the legal framework.

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema Paläographie - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

The third module deals with the topic of palaeography, the study of ancient writing. Participants learn to recognize different writing styles and their development in order to decipher historical documents and classify them chronologically and spatially.

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema OCR und Textbearbeitung nach dem Scannen von archivischen Materialien - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

The fifth module is about preparing the scanned documents so that they are readable and interpretable by humans and machines. Participants learn about optical character recognition (OCR) techniques to convert scanned content into searchable text.

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema Bestandserhaltung in Archiven - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

In the second module, you will learn the basics of preservation in a practical way! This module will teach you important techniques and methods for protecting and conserving cultural assets.

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema Scannen von archivischen Materialien - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

In the fourth module, we focus on the challenges of archival scanning. Participants learn which technical and organizational aspects need to be considered when digitizing archival holdings. 

Eine symbolische Darstellung für das Thema Digitale Archivierung - Zertifikatskurs für internationale Archive

In the sixth module, participants take the step towards digital archiving by entering the documents and records prepared up to that point into an open source archive platform. Here they learn how to efficiently manage digital assets and ensure that the information is accessible to both people and machines.

Register and become part of our international archive community.

If you are convinced by our offer, we look forward to your Registration! Take the opportunity to participate in our exciting educational modules and gain valuable knowledge.

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