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Digital Archive

Our educational project on digital archiving uses the open source software AtoM (Access to Memory), which is operated on a specially set up server. This approach enables us to make the learning process clear and interactive for all participants. Through the practical application of AtoM, participants learn how to create digital archives in a structured and efficient way. Using this software not only promotes an understanding of digital archiving, but also data management and preservation skills.


Access to Memory

AtoM is a powerful, web-based archive information system that was specifically developed for the indexing and communication of archive holdings. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports international standards such as ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF).

Being part of such a community is particularly valuable as it provides access to resources and continuous improvements. This means that everyone involved benefits from the latest developments and experiences in the field of digital archiving.

The main advantages of AtoM include:

Web-based accessibility

Users can access the software from anywhere, which promotes flexibility and mobility.

Open Source

The software is available free of charge, which reduces costs for educational institutions and allows for customization.

standard compliance

AtoM ensures compliance with international archiving standards, which increases the quality of archiving.

Active Community

Support from a committed user community promotes the exchange of knowledge and best practices.

Standards in Archival Cataloguing

ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) are important international standards that improve the archiving and description of documents.

ISAD(G) stands for “International Standard Archival Description”. This standard specifies how archive material should be described. It enables a clear structure that ranges from large archives to individual documents. This helps users findfind what they are looking for more quickly. ISAD(G) also promotes the exchange of information between different archives. This enables usersto conduct better research across archive boundaries.

ISAAR(CPF) stands for "International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families". This standard helps to collect information about people and organizations associated with archival material. ISAAR(CPF) ensures that this data is recorded in a uniform manner. This increases the quality of the archival description and makes it easier to find relevant information.

The application of these standards has many advantages. They ensure high data quality and make using archives easier. They also promote the exchange of information between different institutions. This enables professional and standardized archival work that is recognized both nationally and internationally.

Register and become part of our international archive community.

If you are convinced by what we have to offer, we look forward to your registration! Take the opportunity to take part in our exciting educational modules and gain valuable knowledge.

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